Prime Minister of India Shri Narender Modi visited Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday. He wore the traditional dresses of Jammu, Ladakh, and Kashmir when he visited the state. On Sunday he first went to Ladakh followed by Jammu and then Kashmir and delivered on his development plank. PM Modi interacted with local people and dedicated various education and power projects to residents of the region. Education and health remained his major:
Ladakh: Here he dedicated the schemes of around Rs 3,000 crore. Apart from power, connectivity, tourism, employment, and education remained his main focus. He laid foundation stone for seven big projects in Ladakh: Kushak Bakula Rinpoche Airport that would be built at the cost of Rs 480 crore, having the capacity of 800 passengers that would be ready by 2021; nine megawatts Hydroelectric project to supply electricity in the region, the region will be connected with National Power Grid and 220 kilowatts Srinagar-Dras-Kargil-Khalsi-Leh national grid system would be developed at the cost of Rs 2266 crores; Government has started 5 new tourist routes and 4 new tracking route in Ladakh that would promote tourism in this region; 40% of Ladakh’s population is comprised of students, hence, PM has laid the foundation stone of cluster university Ladakh University, whose campus would be established in Leh and Kargil both. The University of Ladakh is the first ever in the region, “It will be a cluster University comprising of degree colleges of Leh, Kargil, Nubra, Zanskar, Drass, and Khaltsi. The university will have administrative offices at Leh and Kargil” the prime minister's office said in a statement; Government has amended the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council Act and more power is delegated to the Hill council; Survey work on Bilaspur-Manali and Leh route has been completed and now the rail lines would be laid on these routes. PM Modi thanked the Ladakhi people for their contribution in the fight in 1965, 1971 and 1999 of India.
Jammu: Modi announced scheme of around Rs 6,000/- crore for Jammu. He laid the foundation stone for AIIMS in Jammu that would be built at the cost of Rs 1661 crore, in an area of 258 acres with 750 bedding facilities; University of Engineering and Technology will be built at the cost of Rs 26 crore, five medical colleges in 5 districts, wherein the central government would contribute around Rs 750 crore that would help in increasing 500 more seats for MBBS, Jammu campus was started where the student would do PG diploma in Hindi and Urdu journalism, apart from this the IIT building in Jammu is already constructed and the construction of IIM building would be started soon, PM has also announced that 25% seats would be increased in all education institution; a 3.6 kms bridge, at the cost of Rs 206 crore, would be built on Chenab river that will reduce the distance of 50 Km to 3 Kms only and its work would be completed within 30 months; Chenab Valley power project was started that would produce an additional 850 MW electricity and its work would be completed in 54 months and the project affected family would be allocated around 100 crore; Pollution Abatement Project was started by the PM to ensure that the rivers should be kept pollution free; PM has also announced relief packages for 1947 POJK displaced person and the Hindus migrated from Pakistan and Afghanistan would be given citizenship; PM Modi has shown sensitivity towards Kashmiri Pandits and announced that transient colonies would be built for them and 3 thousand vacancies would be allocated only to Kashmir Pandits under the Prime Minister Relief Package.
Kashmir: A BPO has been built in Bandipora area, with the cost of Rs 3 crore, that would provide employment to 300 youth and one thousand youth would get training in it every year; PM inaugurated multi-purpose indoor stadium in Ganderbal that was constructed at the cost of 4 crore; foundation stone laid for AIIMS at the cost of 1828 crore that would have 100 Undergraduate seats, 20 BSc nursing seats, 15-20 super-specialty department, 750 beds at Awantipura, Pulwama that would be ready by 2025; PM inaugurated 400 KV double- circuit transmission line that would be developed at the cost of 1033 crore; 600 flats would be constructed from Return and Rehabilitation packages for Kashmiri Pandits, displaced during 1990s at the cost of 920 crores, in Kashmir.
He said there will be “books instead of guns in the hands of the young boys and girls”. The recent visit of the PM would be helpful in bringing peace in Kashmir valley and development in the entire state.