The sitting MP and BJP’s candidate from Jammu parliamentary seat Jugal Kishore Sharma said people voted for the “courageous and bold steps” taken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Sharma is leading against his rival Raman Bhalla of Congress by over 1,41,111 votes on Jammu seat. While interacting with reporters outside the counting centre Sharma said, “It is vote for the courageous and bold steps taken Prime Minister Narendra Modi during last five year of his rule”. He expressed confidence that the trends in favour of BJP will soon get translated into results. He even gave credit to the centre’s policy of security, development and peace and progress for the trends in favour of BJP.
He said, “Modi ji took strong steps for the security of the country and also for development. It is a mix of all of these initiatives”. On the question of scrapping Article 370 and Article 35A if BJP comes to power, Sharma said it is already in the manifesto of the party. He added, “We will do everything which is in the interest of Jammu and Kashmir”.