Conceding the defeat in the Lok Sabha Election 2019, the former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Mehbooba Mufti congratulated Narendra Modi. She also advised to Congress that it should get someone like BJP president Amit Shah. Praising the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for achieving a clean sweep across the country, Mufti said, "Congratulations to Narendra Modi Ji for a historic mandate. Today surely belongs to BJP and it's allies. Time for Congress to get an Amit Shah."
Mufti said, "I've been fortunate to get the love & affection of my people. They have every right to express their anger for my failings. Accept their verdict with humility. Congratulations to winning candidates from NC. I'm grateful to my party workers & colleagues."
National Conference leader and also former Chief Minister of J&K Omar Abdullah too congratulated the Modi-Shah duo for a "stellar campaign". Omar had earlier predicted that Modi wave would remain to stay in 2019 as well and the opposition must prepare for 2024.
According to the latest Election Commission data, NC and BJP are leading on 3 seats each in J&K.