In the recently concluded Lok Sabha election, Narender Modi led BJP had become triumphant. The saffron party able to cross the 300 mark in Lok Sabha election and became the only party, after Congress, to gain voters confidence even after five years of its rule. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narender Modi, BJP decimated the national and regional political parties. Though BJP was earlier identified as the party of only North Indians but the present performance of BJP in South clearly established that the party has not remained restricted only to North India. Now, it has become a pan India party. Its magnificent performance in South India established BJP as the single largest political party even in the southern parts of the country.
The data of five South Indian states viz. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Telangana clearly speaks that BJP has triumphed even the Southern States of India. It won the maximum number of seats in South.
S.No. | Political Party | No. of seats won |
1. | BJP | 29 |
2. | Congress | 27 |
3. | YSR Congress | 22 |
4. | TDP | 3 |
5. | JD(S) | 1 |
6. | CPI(M) | 3 |
7. | AIDMK | 1 |
8. | DMK | 23 |
9. | TRS | 9 |