For the first BJP has taken lead from any assembly segment in Kashmir valley. In this astonishing development, the BJP candidate for Anantnag was polled more votes than NC, Congress and the PDP in volatile Tral segment. Voter turnout in Anantnag was low because of the terrorist threat and the separatists call for the boycott. Even the stone pelting was also observed during the election process in this region that has scared the people and most of them did not dare to exercise their right to in Lok Sabha election 2019.
According to official figures, the BJP was polled 323 votes in Tral followed by the National Conference which secured 234 votes, Peoples Democratic Party 220 votes, and Congress 144 votes. This is the big development for the saffron party in the Kashmir region. The BJP candidate from Anantnag segment Sofi Yosouf said, “it is an achievement for us. Despite threats by the NC and the PDP workers, our cadre came out to vote in some pockets of Tral”. He got 10225 in this election. In the previous elections, the BJP never won any Assembly seat in Kashmir or obtained lead from any segment.