19th April 1990, When a Kashmiri Hindu girl fell prey to the monsters of valley

Sarla Bhat_1  H
Around 31 yrs on, Kashmiri Hindus haven't been able to forget even today the pain and sufferings they went through in the doomed period of 1989-90. Hundreds of Kashmiri Pandits were killed, raped and tortured mercilessly. The then government turned their back to the sufferers and it further emboldened the terror groups to continue their brutality and genocide of Kashmiri Pandits.
Kashmiri Pandits were given away threat and hatred messages through posters
In wake of 1990, the insurgency groups led by several anti-India groups had ensured that the valley was bereft of Kashmiri Pandits. Newspapers carrying threat messages by terrorists were circulated around the valley to target Hindus. They were threatened to convert their religion or leave overnight or else face dire consequences of staying back. Similar posters were pasted over the walls of residential areas of Pandit families. Families of Kashmiri Hindus were even traumatised with rape and kidnapping threats. As part of this dreadful agenda, a Hindu girl named Sarla Bhat who was a resident of Anantnag and worked as a nurse at Kashmir’s premier medical institution SKIMS at Soura, Srinagar was brutally gangraped and cut to pieces in the most inhuman way.
The brutal rape and murder of Sarla Bhat, a medical staff
She was abducted from the Medical Institute and gangraped for many days before getting dumped on roadside. Kidnapped from the Hostel of the Institute itself on April 14, 1990 by a group of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front affiliates, her dead body with bullet wounds was later found on April 19th, in the downtown area of Srinagar. The post-mortem report concluded that she was gangraped before being killed.
Despite such atrocities the then Government was blindfold and remained quiet while the Hindus started migrating from Kashmir fearing for their lives. Though they hoped for favourable circumstances and end of violence someday to return to their ancestral homes while escaping but it never happened. Decades passed, Governments changed but neither the situation improved for them nor the political groups ever favoured them to have their properties back and return to their homes.