In a shocking incident, a Kashmiri Pandit sarpanch has been today shot dead by some unidentified gunmen in Anantnag District of Jammu and Kashmir. When referred to the district hospital for initial treatment, the victim named Ajay Pandit succumbed to his injuries. Meanwhile, the incident of killing of a Kashmiri Pandit in the valley by unknown Pakistan sponsored terrorists seems to have brought back the horror of 1990.
The Kashmiri Hindu victim identified as Ajay Pandit was sarpanch of the Larkipora area in Anantnag district and also a member of a political party. He was shot at by the terrorists in the early evening on Monday in his native village, according to the police.
According to the J&K police, the incident took place around 6 pm on Monday evening when Sarpanch Ajay Pandit had gone to his garden and unknown terrorists shot him down and fled from the spot. He was associated with the Congress Party, as per reports.
The 40 yr old victim was rushed to the district hospital immediately after the incident but unfortunately enough succumbed to his injuries much before he could be treated.
Meanwhile, the security forces have launched a search operation in the surrounding area to trace the unidentified killers who have killed a Kashmir Pandit in the valley bringing back the haunting memories of the period of 1990, in an attempt to cause fear and panic around the region.
However, the security forces continue to wipe out the terrorists from the valley. Early on Monday morning, 4 terrorists were killed by the security forces in the Shopian encounter.