J&K students to be taught royal history of Dogra dynasty, NCERT includes chapter

22 Aug 2020 18:48:58

NCERT _1  H x W
In a significant development, NCERT has included the chapter on Dogra regime of Jammu and Kashmir. The chapter on Dogra rule will be taught in the 8th grade history book. After the abrogation of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, the NCERT is now set to explain in their eighth-grade history book all the detailed information about the existence of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir and the Dogra rulers who ruled there.
A picture of Dogra ruler Maharaja Gulab Singh has also been published in the book. Intellectuals and social organizations in Jammu Kashmir have welcomed the move as the NCERT gives place to a chapter on Dogra rule.
Team Jammu chairman Zorawar Singh Jamwal, praising the addition in the NCERT syllabus said that although it is late but certainly a good step. He said that Dogra history cannot be clubbed in just one chapter and in the coming years not only Dogra rulers but also big names associated with Dogra history including great revolutionaries like General Zorawar Singh, Mian Dido and Baba Jitto need to be added to it.
Many social organizations of Jammu believe that the chapter now included in the schoolbooks on Dogra rule of Jammu will give the coming generations information about the Dogra culture and history which till now they received only from their elders.
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