A look through the mist; Naik Yadunath Singh PVC guarded the Taindhar Ridge and Kept Pakistan away from Naushera, No descendant of even 1947/48 PVC Decorated Soldiers owns a house in J&K even after 5th Aug 2019
 Naik Jadunath Singh _1&n
Daya Sagar 
Mountbatten Plan and then the Indian Independence Act 1947 which propounded the principles of Partition of India laying down the ‘law’ for division of British India in its text conceded an Independent status to the Princely States of British Indian Empire after the lapse of British Paramountcy. No doubt the British Government through her expressions and the then Viceroy Lord Mountbatten had advised the Princes of the princely States to in their overall interest concede to either of the Dominion ( India or Pakistan) preferably before 15th August1947 ( the deadline for British withdrawal). More so the date of 15th August 1947 was not a legal deadline, it was as an advisory to ensure, as far as possible, safe exchange of population ( Hindu and Muslim in particular ) with in the British rule itself which was likely to occur due to the reasons of a religion based partition being done. The advisory also suggested to the princes to take decision for joining either of the Dominion giving due consideration to geographical contiguity in relation to either of the Dominion. The advisory no doubt had value as regards the economy and territorial defence needs of the Princely States since most of the princely state had practically nil defending troops that could be called Army and were dependent on the British even for their survival. Four large states had Residents and had direct political relation with Government in India ( Hyderabad 21G, J&K 21/21G, Mysore 21G, Baroda 21 G ) . But the advisory did open some routes for the local populations of princely states to stress right for expressing there choice too although otherwise as per Act 1947 it was the Prince to decide.
In the first draft interim partition plan District of Gurdaspur including railhead of Pathankot, which provided the only road link between Jammu and East Punjab, had been included in West Punjab ( Pakistan Dominion). No doubt the Redcliff award that finally awarded Gurdaspur to India was known after 16th August but Maharaja of J&K could still accede to India dominion even 2 days of 15 August when the question on the link with India dominion from Jammu side was also clear, where as that did not happen.
Anyhow the accession by Prince of J&K with either dominion was delayed till 26th Oct 1947 and by then Pakistan had already attacked the Princely State of J&K. Maharaja Hari Singh in his letter of 26th Oct 1947 addressed to Governor General of India had pinned the reasons for delay as < “As your Excellency is aware the State of Jammu and Kashmir has not acceded to the Dominion of India or to Pakistan. Geographically my State is contiguous to both the Dominions. It has vital economical and cultural links with both of them. Besides my State has a common boundary with the Soviet Republic and China. In their external relations the Dominions of India and Pakistan cannot ignore this fact. I wanted to take time to decide to which Dominion I should accede, or whether it is not in the best interests of both the Dominions and my State to stand independent, of course with friendly and cordial relations with both.” ;;;; “The Pakistan Radio even put out a story that a Provisional Government had been set up in Kashmir. The people of my State both the Muslims and non-Muslims generally have taken no part at all. With the conditions obtaining at present in my State and the great emergency of the situation as it exists, I have no option but to ask for help from the Indian Dominion. Naturally they cannot send the help asked for by me without my State acceding to the Dominion of India. I have accordingly decided to do so and I attach the Instrument of Accession for acceptance by your Government. The other alternative is to leave my State and my people to free-booters. On this basis no civilized Government can exist or be maintained. This alternative I will never allow to happen as long as I am Ruler of the State and I have life to defend my country.” > .
So the, option of remaining independent was also of near wisdom to Maharaja Hari Singh. As per Lt Prof Balraj Madhok J&K Prime Minister Ram Nath Kak was an enthusiastic supporter of this view with whom Prof Balraj Madhok had discussed the matter in detail but Kak had argued that Jammu and Kashmir being a Muslim majority State Pakistan had logical claim to it on the basis of which India had been partitioned.
Following an offensive by the Pakistani raiders on Jammu and Kashmir that had become part of India Dominion on 26th Oct 1947, the Defence Committee of the Indian Cabinet directed the Army Headquarters to undertake immediate military response. Troops were first on 27th October rushed by air to Srinagar from where signals for immediate possible loss of even Srinagar Airport were extremely alarming with only a hundred of troops possibly there in Kashmir with the Maharaja having already left Srinagar for Jammu on 25th October itself.
The Yadunath_Memorial_Stone at_Taindhar_Top_near_Naushera reads < No. 27373 NK Yadunath Singh PVC ( Posthumous) 1 Rajput ( 4 Guards ) Born 21 November 1916 Died in Action 6 February 1948 “ Your God is both your Cause, Your Battle and Captain, Come Life or Death, Your God will Bear Your Company, And Ever Keep This Field, This Place and This Days Service In His Grateful Remembrance” This Memorial is Erected in Solemn Tribute to A Warrior Legend Who Sacrificed His Mortal Being to A Greater Glory of Indian Nation on This Very Spot . NK Yadunath Singh Single Handedly Killed 230 Men of the Enemy And sacrificed His Yesterday so That Citizens of Naushera may live Their Tomorrow. Inaugurated on 6 Feb 1996>.
Naik Yadunath Singh was 2nd to be Decorated with Param Vir Chakra in Independent India. First being Maj Som Nath Sharma who demonstrated extra ordinary valour and desire for sacrificing self for country not only saving Badgam Airport on 3rd November 1947 but in a way saving whole of Kashmir Valley and even large part of Ladakh region………………………
The battle of Naushera (J&K ) , a long drawn battle extending from late 1947 to 1948, needs to be remembered more for saving through valour and sacrifices of Indian soldiers a very large part of even the Jammu Province of the then just acceded Indian princely state of J&K , from Naushera through Rajouri to Poonch. 1/7 Rajput Regiment was awarded in Independent India one Param Vir Chakra, two Maha Vir Chakras, nine Vir Chakras and eleven Mention in Dispatches for battle of Nowshera action.
The Army planned several operations to drive out the Pakistani raiders in Naushera Sector (J&K). In one such operation, the 50th Para Brigade under the command of Brigadier Mohammad Usman was ordered some where in mid November 1947 to keep Naushera ( part of then Reasi District of Jammu Province / region ) secure and establish a base at Jhangar ( that had strategically advantageous position in the Naushera Sector). It was around 6th December 1947 that 1/7 Rajput Regiment of which Naik Yadunath Singh was also a part reached Nowshera by road from Gurdaspur ( Punjab) to join 50th Para Brigade . But the bad weather kept on putting regular hurdles before the limited forces and it was on 24 December 1947 that even Jhangar was captured by the Pakistanies thereby giving them possible control over the route between Mirpur and Poonch town along with also providing favorable launch point from where they could make multi point attacks on Naushera with added advantage.
Jhangar was surely a very strategic location from the point of view of the defence of Nowshera on way to Poonch from Jammu via Rajouri. Rajouri too was very much under the possible grip of intruders with some local civilians and ‘state’ troops deserting to the enemy camp. Indian soldiers were deployed in small groups on possible enemy approaches. Taindhar, lying to the north of Nowshera , was one such approach to Naushera on the highest of the area that dominated the countryside with gentle approach to it from the enemy’s side but not that easy from Naushera side. Hence defence of Taindhar was critical and hard to execute for the defence of Naushera.
In January 1948 , the Indian Army undertook several operations in the north-west of Naushera to stop further advances by the Pakistani forces and in the end of January1947 a picket was established at Taindhar by 1/7 Rajput where Naik Yadunath Singh was also part of the battalion. The troops were small , did not have adequate supplies of fresh food and as per information available were even without a machine gun. The task allotted required very hard personal inputs like even preparing defences just with stones which could even cause damage to self with their shattering into small pieces in case struck with enemy artillery fire.
On the foggy morning of 6 February 1948, at around 6:40 am IST or so, along Taindhar ridge taking advantage of darkness Pakistan troops crept up to the pickets in large numbers . Naik Yadunath Singh was in command of the nine personnel manning the forward post of the second picket at Taindhar. Singh and his section warded off three successive attempts by Pakistani forces to capture their position. Section Commander Yadunath Singh at the post, displayed "exemplary" leadership, and kept motivating his men to the last man till he himself succumbed his wounds. Courage and sense of sacrifice shown by Naik shattered the wills of enemy even with thousands at the back and enemy fled in disorder never to return thereby saving Naushera leading to a most heroic charge of Yadunath Singh for which he was awarded posthumous the Param Vir Chakra. Late Col Kishan Singh Rathore MVC who was then 2nd Lieutenant was a Company Commander and Yadunath Singh was part of his troops was also awarded the Mahavir Chakra in the same battle has been quoted as having said < “ I could see Yadunath Singh shouting expletives at the enemy and hurling grenades at them. At this time Brig Usman called me and asked if I wanted artillery fire. I declined, as we were so mixed up with the enemy that the artillery fire would have caused more damage to my troops. We beat back the first attack with heavy casualties to the enemy, but within minutes the second wave of the enemy came rushing towards us and this too we beat back. By now, our own casualties were mounting. Amongst the wounded was Naik Yadunath Singh who, in spite of his wounds, was rallying his men and firing a bren gun. We beat back the second attack too. But the enemy was not done yet and some of them were even able to get in between the gaps in our defences. This time I had no choice but to ask Havaldar Ishar Singh, the mortar detachment commander to fire the mortars overhead and bring down fire on our own locality. It was then that Naik Yadunath Singh, along with his men came out of their bunkers with bayonets fixed and charged the enemy, engaging him in hand to hand combat…” >. Naik’s action had proved a very critical moment for the battle of Naushera and enabled Brigadier Usman to send a company of the 3rd (Para) Battalion, Rajput Regiment to reinforce the Taindhar. And Janghar was recaptured on 17 Mar 1948 with a 2 Brigade attack..

Param Veer Chakr_1 & 
Text of The Param Vir Chakra award Citation for PVC Yadunath Singh Ji :
< : At No.2picquet on Taindhar on 6 February 1948, Naik Jadunath Singh was in command of a forward sections post, which bore the full brunt of the enemy attack. This little post was garrisoned by nine men against overwhelming odds. The enemy launched his attack in successive waves and with great ferocity to overcome this post. the first wave swept up to the post in a ferocious attack. Displaying great valour the superb qualities of leadership, Naik Jadunath Singh so used the small force at his disposal that the enemy retired in utter confusion. Four of his men were wounded but Naik Jadunath Singh again showed his qualities of good leadership by reorganizing the battered force under him for meeting another onslaught. His coolness and courage were of such an order that the men rallied and were ready fo the second attack, which came with greater determination, and in larger numbers than the preceding one. Though hopelessly outnumbered, this post, under the gallant leadership of Naik Jadunath Singh, resisted. All were wounded and Naik Jadunath Singh, though wounded in the right arm, personally took over the Bren-gun from the wounded gunner. The enemy was right on the wall on the post, but Naik Jadunath Singh once again showed outstanding ability and valour of the highest order in action. By his complete disregard for his personal safety, and example of coolness and courage, he encouraged his men to fight. His fire was so devastating that what looked like encouraged his men to fight. His fire was so devastating that what looked like impending defeat was turned into victory and the enemy retired in chaos leaving dead and wounded littered on the ground. With this act of supreme heroism and outstanding example of leadership and determination Naik Jadunath Singh saved the post from the second assault. But this time all men of the post were casualties. The enemy put in his third and final attack in undiminished numbers and determined to capture this post. Naik Jadunath Singh, now wounded, prepared literally single handed to give battle for the third time and with great courage and determination he came out of the sanghar and firing his sten gun made a most magnificent single handed charge on the advancing enemy, who, completely taken by surprise, fled in disorder. Naik Jadunath Singh, however, met his gallant death in his third and last charge by two bullets hitting him in the head and chest. Thus charging single handed at the advancing enemy, this Non-Commissioned Officer performed the highest act of gallantry and supreme sacrifice and by so doing he saved his section-nay his whole picquet-from being over-run by the enemy at the most critical stage in the battle for the defence of Naushera..>
Ofcourse saving Naushera cleared the way for advance of forces towards Rajouri and Maj ( then 2nd Lt ) Rama Raghoba Rane ( , PVC was an officer ( commissioned in the Bombay Sappers Regiment of the Indian Army's Corps of Engineers on 15 December 1947 ) who became the first living recipient of the Param Vir Chakra on 8 April 1948 for his playing a key role in the recapture of Rajouri by clearing several roadblocks and minefields even moving/ crawling ahead of tanks. He was born in Vil Haveri in the Karwar now in Karnataka.
Incidentally the 4rth PVC was also awarded for action in 1947-48 Indo Pak ‘war’ on 17 July 1948, to Company Havildar Major Piru Singh ( 2831592 6th Battalion Rajputana Rifles ) posthumously for action in South of Tithwal where Piru Singh seeing more than half of his Section killed or wounded, with battle cries he encouraged the remaining men and rushed forward with great determination onto the nearest enemy MMG position even with grenade splinters ripping his clothes and wounding him at several places, he continued to advance without the least regard for his safety, wounded the Pakistani gun crew with Sten gun fire overlooking his own bleeding wounds he jumped on the enemy MMG crew bayoneting them to death to silence the gun but remaining himself as the sole active survivor of the section ( the rest either dead or wounded; at the same time a grenade was thrown at him wounding his face but still all bleeding from his face wounds, he crawled out of the trench, hurling grenades at the next enemy position till he was possibly hit by a bullet in his head.
Tales of valour and sacrifices made by Indian soldiers for saving people and lands of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947-48 are unending but we cannot find a single descendant of even the 1947-48 PVC decorated soldier staying in a self owned house in Jammu and Kashmir even after 5th August 2019. Why not come forward to make government of the day to extend gratitudes like name new Jammu Airport as PVC Yadunath Singh International Airport or like ventures in their name and open doors atleast of Domicileship for the families / their descendants through constitutional / administrative provisions like using Section-96 / Sec-103 of Act 34 of 2019 / Art-309 of Constitution of India.
Let it be belated gratitude / honours from the people of J&K to have their descendants amongst the erstwhile State Subjects of J&K and even give a start by naming the incoming new Jammu Airport as PVC Y(J)adunath Singh International Airport.
(The Writer is Patron of JKSC, Senior Journalist & Known Analyst of J&K Affairs)