18 July ,1948: Birthday of Maharaja Sir Pratap Singh , a ruler who transformed lives of the people of J&K
Jammu Kashmir
Maharaja Pratap Singh, the third Dogra ruler of Jammu and Kashmir, was the longest-serving ruler among the Dogra emperors as he ruled for a span of 40 years from 1885 to 1925. His time as an emperor is seen as a period of modernization, peace, and enlightenment.
Maharaja Pratap Singh was born on July 18, 1848 in Reasi district of J&K. His benevolence and kindness are seen as a benchmark, that no ruler after him could match.
Out of the four Dogra rulers, Maharaja Pratap Singh’s era was a period of enlightenment for his subjects, particularly for Kashmiris. He did a lot towards establishing local self governing bodies, democratic processes, educational systems, health care & hygiene and infrastructure development during his rule. By 1925, then Kashmir, particularly Srinagar had undergone significant social and cultural transformation.
Valley was connected to the outside world by two major road networks and River Jhelum, which was the central artery of communication was further developed. Large and small size boats ferried people and goods up and down the river in a systematically regularised manner. Commenting upon his rule, British historian Walter Lawrence wrote, “he has done much to change the position of his subjects. His kindness to all classes in Kashmir has won the affection of his people".
Soon after his coronation he had to endure and agonize over the personal humiliation meted out to him by a diplomatic ‘coup-de-grace’ engineered by the British blaming him of hobnobbing with Russians against British, which abolished his authority. Eventually nothing was proved against him. Though restored, yet his powers remained curtailed. Despite British apathy, Jhelum Valley Cart road, a wonderful mountain road of the world, starting from Kohala to Baramulla was completed in 1889.

18 july 1948 
This was the 1st major initiative in road connectivity. In 1897 it was extended to Srinagar. Thereafter another highway, the Bannihal Cart Road (BC Road), connecting Jammu with Srinagar was thrown open to the public in 1922. Besides these highways, many other roads and tracks connecting Srinagar to Gilgit and Leh & many other places were completed. The benefits of these roads on general public may be judged form the fact that before Maharaja Pratap Singh’s reign, there wasn’t any Tonga / Bael Gari (wheeled conveyance), nor even a hand driven cart seen in the state. By the time his rule ended, large boats, B class buses and trucks (motor vehicles) became the principal means of conveyance and transportation.
Besides roads connectivity, Maharaja was keen to connect Srinagar with rail. Survey was completed and the plan prepared but it could not be executed because of prohibitive costs. However Jammu was linked to Sialkot by rail in 1890 after which Jammu got connected to Delhi and rest of India.
Dept of Agriculture and Cooperative Societies were the other initiatives taken to further improve the lot of farmers and cultivators. In 1887, Maharaja ordered land settlement. As a result, the rights of the agriculturists were clearly defined. The share of agriculture produce for the state was fixed at 1/3rd of the gross produce. Revenue was collected in cash.
The land settlement gave much needed security to the cultivators and became responsible for increased productivity and increasing prosperity. The revenue of the state more than doubled. By 1912 jurisdiction of Tehsils & Districts was completely settled. A model agricultural farm was set up at Srinagar to project scientific methods of cultivation. By 1929, the number of Cooperative Credit Societies in the state rose to 1,100 with a membership of 27,500. This enabled farmers to untangle from the clutches of Sahukars (money lenders). As a social reform, ‘Begar’ in its more objectionable form was abolished.
J&K was rich in forests resources. But nothing had been done to exploit them. In a path breaking initiative in 1891, His Highness established Forest Dept which soon began to give a very good account of itself. In the very 1st year it gave a surplus revenue of two and a half lac. The same rose to two million in 1921-22 and to a record figure of five million in 1929-30.
Efforts were made to popularise education. In pursuance of the suggestions made in the report of 1916, many changes were made in the system of education. A number of new schools for both boys and girls were also opened. The imparting of education in the primary schools was made free.
One degree college each at Jammu (Prince of Wales College, established in 1907, and Srinagar (Sri Pratap College established in 1905). Amar Singh Technical Institute was established in Srinagar in 1914 and Sri Pratap Technical School was set up at Jammu in 1924 to meet the demands for higher education. By 1938, Sri Pratap College, with 1187 students on its rolls, achieved the distinction of being the second largest college affiliated to the Punjab University.
Significant drive in modernisation of health care occurred during Maharaja Pratap Singh era. Kashmir Mission Hospital was expanded which soon became a hub of health care activities. In 1889, in two largest cities of J&K, Jammu & Srinagar, two govt Hospitals were commissioned. He opened separate hospitals for males (Mardana) and females (Zenana) at Srinagar and Jammu. In other towns and important villages, dispensaries were started under qualified doctors.
These initiatives went a long way in improving health of the people. Smallpox used to take a very heavy toll of life in the valley. Large scale vaccinations were administered in 1894 to prevent it.
For the prevention of floods in Srinagar a wide spill channel was constructed in 1904 which diverted the flood waters of Jhelum. Several irrigation canals were constructed in Jammu and Kashmir. The longest and important of these is Ranbir Canal in Jammu with a total length of 251 miles including its tributaries. Another irrigation channel in Jammu, the Pratap Canal, irrigates vast tracts of land in Jourian, Khour and Pallanwala.
Maharaja Sir Pratap Singh
A silk factory was set up at Srinagar which attained the distinction of being the largest of its kind in the world. An initiative was taken in local self-govt by establishing municipalities at Jammu, Srinagar, Sopore and Baramulla which improved hygiene and sanitation. Maharaja abolished Muslims Marriage Tax. He closed the state shawl industry to encourage cottage industry.
Maharaja Pratap Singh, born on 18 July 1848, took his last breath on 23 September 1925 at the age of 77 having ruled the longest and done a great deal for his subjects. Since he had no son of his own, his nephew Raja Hari Singh took over the throne on 24 September 1925.