Sankaran Kutty Nair was a Sergeant in Indian Air Force who displayed exemplary courage, great initiative and a high sense of public duty by presence of mind and quick action and saved a valuable human life and expensive service equipments.
On 29th October 1975, at about 20:00 hours, Sergeant Sankaran Kutty Nair was proceeding towards the MES substation in the domestic camp of his base to find out the cause of the failure of electric power. As he was nearing the sub-station, he heard an explosion, and saw a flash coming out of the building and heard a cry for help. He rushed to the building and found that a man in flames was lying on the floor, near the entrance and that smoke was coming out of the building. In utter disregard to his personal safety, he entered the building and switched off the main switch. He then found that an MES employee was lying unconscious with his clothes in flames. Sergeant Nair put out the flames by rolling him on the ground and tearing off his clothes. He carried him to the Medical Inspection Room on his shoulders, where prompt first aid and subsequent treatment for second degree burns in Military Hospital saved the individual's life. Thus by presence of mind and quick action he saved a valuable life and expensive service equipment.
For his valour, courageous action and utter disregard to his personal safety, he was awarded Shaurya Chakra on 26-1-1977.