Director General of Jammu and Kashmir Police (DGP) on Friday said that the terror plot in last week’s Poonch ambush in which five soldiers lost their lives has been uncovered and six locals have been arrested for sheltering the terrorists. DGP said such attack wasn’t possible without local support.
The support include providing shelter, logistics and drone dropped weapons from Pakistan including steel coated armour piercing bullets to inflict maximum damage on the army vehicle in the April 20, ambush, the DGP said.
For attack in Bhata Durian in Poonch on April 20, he said said that the attack was a well-planned one and executed by three to five terrorists. They first did reece of the area, understood the terrain and then chose the spot of attack after considering aspects like speed of the vehicle in view of downhill terrains and sharp turn at the site. “They ambushed the vehicle; fired on the vehicle which got damaged. The troops got injured. They planted an IED and exploded it,” he said.
He added that the terrorists were provided shelter at one place and then provided transport to carry out the attack at another place. “We have apprehended a module of terror sympathizers or supporters, who provided proper support to the terrorists for two-three months. They would pick up and provide drone dropped things to the terrorists that include arms, cash, grenades and other things, Detailing about this terror module and local support, he said that a local Nisar Ahmed, a resident of Gursai village, was already in the suspect list of police''.
“He has been an active OGW of terrorists since 1990. He was questioned several times in the past. This time, after corroborating the evidence, he was found involved in providing logistic and other support to terrorists who carried out the Poonch attack,” DGP said. He said that Nisar’s family was also involved in providing support to terrorists for the past two to three months.
“With the busting of this module, we have got a direction in the case and now know how to take it forward. We’ll investigate how they came, where they lived, how the attack was carried out, how logistics were arranged and how they were helped. It is a big success in terms of probe but till attackers are neutralised, the success remains incomplete,” he said.
He said that Pakistan and its agencies were supplying arms and ammunition through drones to carry out terror activities. “Pakistan was completely involved in sending drones with ration, cash, arms, ammunition and other things for terrorists in Rajouri and Poonch. We have data of all involved. We are working on it and strict action would be taken against them,” he added.
“We are identifying the natural hideouts,” he said, adding that terrorists were taking shelter mostly in forest areas in these natural hideouts. “The terrorists identify such places which are close to the forests for natural hideouts,” he added.