28 June 1999; Remembering Kargil War Hero Major Padmapani Acharya who under raining shells led his men to capture Tololing feature and attained martyrdom

Major Padmapani Acharya
Major Padmapani Acharya was an officer of the Indian army and his service Number was IC55072. Acharya was born to a family who had their roots in Odisha but settled in Hyderabad. His father, Jagannath Acharya, was a wing commander of the Indian Air Force who served for the nation in the 1965 war and in the 1971 war with Pakistan. He also worked with Defence Research and Development Laboratory(DRDL) located in Hyderabad.
Acharya was given the post of Second Lieutenant in the 2nd Rajputana Rifles regiment. The Rajputana Rifles is the oldest military unit of rifle carrying infantry in the Indian Army. He graduated from the Officers Training Academy which is located in Madras.
Battle of Tololing: 28 June 1999
The battle of Tololing was one of the pivotal battles in Kargil War. On 28 June 1999, in the battalion attack on the Tololing feature by the 2nd Rajputana Rifles, Major Padmapani Acharya as a Company Commander, was assigned the formidable task of capturing an enemy position which was heavily fortified and strongly held with mine fields and sweeping machine gun and artillery fire. This was a very strategic position as it overlooked the Srinagar Leh highway. It was at an altitude of 5,000 metres, and the enemy was positioned on the hill top, showering bullets. Success of the battalion and brigade operation hinged on the early capture of this position. However the company attack almost faltered at the very beginning, when the enemy’s artillery fire came down squarely on the leading platoon, inflicting large numbers of casualties.
With utter disregard to his personal safety, Major Padmapani Acharya took the reserve platoon and led it through raining artillery shells. The risks were huge and so were the causalities but achieving his mission was his sole purpose.
Unmindful of the hail of bullets from the enemy’s bunker, Major Acharya moved upwards crawling up to the enemy position and threw grenades at the enemy. During this battle, he was seriously injured. Even though he was struggling to move, he provided cover for his men and told them to charge ahead. Acharya’s troops took down the enemy and captured the important position which was crucial for India in the Kargil War. The battle of Tololing Top was fierce and night long but in the end, Major Acharya’s team succeeded in recapturing Tololing Top.
Sadly during his efforts to provide cover, he succumbed to injuries. He was awarded Maha Vir Chakra, posthumously for his brave efforts and contribution to the army.